Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Proud Momma!

I'm gonna brag on this entry! Kaleb FINALLY got to play tonight. He played the last 3 innings at first base and did AWESOME!!! I think he played better than anybody they've had there all season. All but one or two of the outs those three innings were made at 1st. That says alot in my book! I'm extremely proud of him!

We also had a milestone with Kolton today. Kolton loves to read, but he only likes non-fiction. There is nothing AT ALL wrong with that, but I've always felt like there had to be a genre on fictin that he would like. We finally found it today! He likes mysteries. I guess I've never steered him in that direction because they don't seem to "fit" his personality. Boy was I wrong. He's almost read an entire book just today. He'll definately have it done by the time he comes home from school tomorrow. I'm so proud of him!

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