Friday, June 19, 2009

Hello Strangers!!!

Well.....since Tracye mentioned I haven't updated in a while, I thought I'd take a minute to do just that. WOW....what a crazy couple of month it's been. Jason and I spent the entire month of April and May in Austin. His dad went into the hospital the 3rd of April to have a heart cathetarization done. Not long after he went in he began retaining fluid so they couldn't do the procedure. He went from congestive heart failure to renal failure to liver failure by the middle of May. He passed away on May 15, 2009. It was a VERY trying time for Jason and me. We are extremely thankful we were in a position where we could be down there for the last few weeks of his life.

Linda, my mother-in-law, is possible the most amazing woman in the world. She has handled the loss of Leon with the utmost courage and bravery. I can't say that I would have been near as strong as she was and continues being.

We are all adapting to Leon not being here. The little things are what hits buttons that brings all the emotions roaring back. Jason called his mom last week and the answering maching picked was Leon's voice. Linda said last Sunday's church service contained alot of good 'ole fashion hyms and she said all she could hear was Leon singing.

We were in Austin this week helping Linda with some insurance and stuff. On the way back, Kolton got real quiet and said, "Mom, it doesn't seem like Grandpa is really in heaven. It just feels like he's on a trip". There are times when that is very true. I kept waiting for him to come in the back door with his red shirt, khaki shorts, and tall socks whistling away.

Our comfort is knowing that one day we will get to see him again and listen to his beautiful voice sing again. R.I.P. Leon!!!! We love you!

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