Sunday, March 8, 2009

New to Blogging

This is new to me and I don't know how well I will keep it up. I've been following a few blogs of other people, and I've really enjoyed keeping track of my loved ones' day to day lives since I don't get to see them very often. As I said in my blog description, this will be very random. Some days it will be to vent, some days to brag on my boys, some days just to ramble. Who knows where this will head, but I am very excited to get it going!
Kolton had his first try-out for a traveling baseball team today. He did pretty good. He's got to work on his speed, but the fundamentals are there. With some polishing he should be awesome. He goes back Friday. We should know after that whether he'll be on the team or not.
Kaleb is playing baseball for the school right now. He's improved SO much since last year. We are having the same old drama with the traveling ball for him that we have every year! I don't understand why the older these boys get the more the teams become "elite". If you don't rub elbows with the right people or pay people off, it's almost impossible for your child to get on a traveling team. He wants to be on one so bad, but we are hitting a dead end at every turn. I feel so helpless and I just don't know what to do now but continue to pray about it. I hate to see him so frustrated. He's a good player and deserves an equal chance.
Anyway...We leave next Saturday for Galveston. We are leaving on a cruise Sunday to go to Key West, Freeport & Nassau. I can NOT wait!!!! I'll definitely have lots to write about when we get back!
I'm out for now! Hope everyone has a good week!

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