Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Busy, Busy Week!

With it being a short week, it looks like it is going to be crazy busy.  Tomorrow, I'll have to be in the office for ANOTHER audit...HATE THEM!  I wish they could do all companies and all insurances at the same time each year so it's not drug out for weeks.  UGH!  This also means that home schooling will have to take place tomorrow evening.  I'm not willing to skip a day since today was a holiday. :-)

Wednesday, I get to start the day off at the Doctor's office having blood taken so my thyroid can be checked again.  I have a feeling it is NOT regulated yet.  I'll find out next Wednesday when I go actually see the doctor.  After giving blood, Kolton will have a FULL day of lessons.  I will be working on editing the pictures from Danielle and Taylor's photo shoot today.
Thursday is going to be the BEST day of the week!  Mr. Isaac is coming to spend the day with Auntie Dawn.  I am beyond excited.  We will do lessons when he's napping. I will also continue to work on editing photos.

Friday....We begin our home school Co-op!  I'm helping in the Science class Kolton is taking.  Then he does an art class. (I'm not sure what I'll be helping with during that time)  Then we will BOTH start band....yes....I said band!  Kolton is going to learn the trumpet and I will be learning the clarinet.  I've always wanted to learn and this was the perfect time.  We should be done at 12:30.  After a quick bite to eat, we'll head home and I will complete my online photoshop class and do some more editing on photos.

If that's not enough, I will fit laundry, cleaning, menu planning and begin a quilt somewhere in all of that.  OH WOW....I am already tired!

Ok...can I also add that on Saturday I will be turning FORTY!!!  Forty use to seem so old!  Now....not so much!  I'm going to try to stay positive about this birthday. After all, it's just another day, right?