Friday, November 4, 2011

Parenting Check!

I have been blessed with two wonderful boys.  I never really questioned my parenting techniques until my oldest one turned 17.  This was right about the time I chose to review Regret Free Parenting by Catherin Hickem.  Her book was very easy to read, but I have to admit it did take me several months to get into the book.  I finally made my self sit down and read it.  I then read it over a period of two days.Even though I felt like much of the information in the book was common sense for parenting, it was still very encouraging and validating.  She made me see that even though I was frustrated with parenting at the time, I was still "doing it right".  

I really enjoyed looking at and reflecting on the "faith facts" and the questions at the end of each chapter.  it made me really focus on my parenting and how important it is ti be there physically and emotionally for my children.  Also, the Intentional Parenting Plan at the end of the book, allowed me to see where I needed to work on my parenting.  Overall, this book was very good.  It is a great book to come back to again and again when it feels like you need to be a better parent. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Busy, Busy Week!

With it being a short week, it looks like it is going to be crazy busy.  Tomorrow, I'll have to be in the office for ANOTHER audit...HATE THEM!  I wish they could do all companies and all insurances at the same time each year so it's not drug out for weeks.  UGH!  This also means that home schooling will have to take place tomorrow evening.  I'm not willing to skip a day since today was a holiday. :-)

Wednesday, I get to start the day off at the Doctor's office having blood taken so my thyroid can be checked again.  I have a feeling it is NOT regulated yet.  I'll find out next Wednesday when I go actually see the doctor.  After giving blood, Kolton will have a FULL day of lessons.  I will be working on editing the pictures from Danielle and Taylor's photo shoot today.
Thursday is going to be the BEST day of the week!  Mr. Isaac is coming to spend the day with Auntie Dawn.  I am beyond excited.  We will do lessons when he's napping. I will also continue to work on editing photos.

Friday....We begin our home school Co-op!  I'm helping in the Science class Kolton is taking.  Then he does an art class. (I'm not sure what I'll be helping with during that time)  Then we will BOTH start band....yes....I said band!  Kolton is going to learn the trumpet and I will be learning the clarinet.  I've always wanted to learn and this was the perfect time.  We should be done at 12:30.  After a quick bite to eat, we'll head home and I will complete my online photoshop class and do some more editing on photos.

If that's not enough, I will fit laundry, cleaning, menu planning and begin a quilt somewhere in all of that.  OH WOW....I am already tired!

Ok...can I also add that on Saturday I will be turning FORTY!!!  Forty use to seem so old!  Now....not so much!  I'm going to try to stay positive about this birthday. After all, it's just another day, right?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Book Review: The Pirate Queen by Patricia Hickman

This book opens with the main character, Saphora, planning to leave her husband.  Bender is a prominent doctor who has not made her or their family his priority.  As she's walking out the door to leave him, Bender comes in and tells her he has terminal cancer and does not have long to live.  He wants to go to the summer home Saphora was planning on running to in order to live out his final days on earth.  Of course Saphora feels obligated to go with him and take care of him in his time of need. 

The story follows the soul searching Saphora and Bender both grow through personally and spiritually during this grueling time.  One of the things that drew me into this book is the way Ms. Hickman shows the struggle Saphora goes through as she deals with the resentment she has towards Bender because of the way he has treated her despite the fact he has cancer.  Even as she deals with this you can sense the love she still feels for him as well as the grief of his disease.

In a way, this book is two stories folded into one.  While at their summer home, Saphora's grandson, Eddie, becomes very good friends with a little boy named Tobias.  Tobias was passed the HIV virus from his mother at birth.  His adoptive mother, Jamie, only wants a "normal" life for him and Eddie helps him achieve this in many ways. Bender and Tobias also become close as they are both dealing with finding and keeping normalcy.

These two stories intertwine beautifully and touched my heart on many levels.  This is a book that I would definitely recommend to some one who wants an uplifting and heartwarming read. 

***I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review***

Friday, January 7, 2011

Book Review: January 7, 2011

The Power Based Life by Mike Flynt

I wanted to read this book as a lift off for a new year.  I will admit that I had difficulty getting into the book at first.  It begins with quite a few stores and examples which revolve around sports.  Not being a sports fanatic at all, it was of no interest to me, but I trudged through it.  My attention was grabbed in the second chapter with his "Grand Tour" of the Bible.  Slowly the light came on about why the stories and examples were important to the book.

God is making some amazing changes in my family's life and the more I read, the more excited I became about these changes.  One of the most powerful parts of the book for me was the section where Mr. Flynt gives some practical steps to visualize what "can be" in your life.   I highly recommend this book for everyone.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Book Review: January 3, 2011

Invasion by J.S. Lewis

Colt McAllister is a normal teenage boy who lives in California and spends his time at the beach, surfing, and playing his guitar.  That is, until his parents are killed in a car accident and he is forced to go live with his  Grandfather in Arizona.  It is there, Colt begins to wonder if his parents wreck was not an accident, but murder.  With help from a life long friend, Danielle and a new friend, Oz, Colt begins to uncover the truth and vows to avenge his parents killer and ultimately save mankind from shape shifting aliens who want to wipe out humanity so they can colonize on Earth.

As I began to read the first few chapters, I found myself unable to put it down.  The chapters are not very long and they end in such a way you just feel like you have to read the next one. I normally am not a huge fan of science fiction, but Lewis does an excellent job of grabbing the attention of the reader and keeping it.  Boys are usually the ones drawn to science fiction, but the girls can also relate to parts of the book because of the relationship between Colt and Danielle as well as the crush Colt has on Lily.  It is also very easy to read so it would be good for readers from as young as 9 all the way to adults.  Some reviews I read were concerned there were no Christian values in the book and I do agree there aren't any.  However, it is an excellent read with many opportunities for discussion with children and teenagers.  I would highly recommend this book.